Monday, August 11, 2008


If I had to describe Mason, I would say he is shy and very, very stubborn. Mason will be turning 6 on August 31st. It is so amazing how time flies, I still remember the day he was born. You just never think they would grow so fast. Mason has been going to preschool in Russsell for the past two years and will be starting Kindergarten on Sept. 2, 2008. I know that once he begins elementary school that time will really go a lot faster. He is very interested about what things are made of. He went throught a phase where he would ask a million questions, like, "Mom, where does ketchup come from?". He is also very into writing. He is constantly asking me how to spell things. And just the other day we had a discussion on the way home from the lake about astronauts. He was looking at the moon and I told him that an astronaut once landed on the moon, and oh my word did the questions come flying, "what is an astronaut?", "Where do they come from?", "How did they get there?" it was a 20 minute question and answer session. I'm just waiting to see what comes next.

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