Morgan in Christmas dress....her baby had a matching one, she was so excited!!
Pssst....Hi everyone, it's me Dawson!!! My mommy is busy and she is always on this thing, so I thought I would see what it is all about.
This lady here is my mommy.....she was my first love. I love her so much that I would hardly go to anyone else when I was little, even my daddy!!! Daddy always tried really hard to make me come to him and love him as much as my mommy, it just wasn't gonna happen, mommy's the greatest!!! I have lots of favorite things, but mommy is my all time favorite!!! I love to just sit on her lap or have her carry me around, although mommy says I am getting to big to carry, thats just cause she takes such good care of me that I keep on getting bigger and bigger.
This here is my blankie. Now, I love this blankie almost as much as my mom and dad...it's so soft and I love the little fringes on the outside edges....my mom says I wouldn't even go to sleep if I didn't have my blankie with me. I used to hold the fringes up by my face when I was little, but I'm big now, so I don't do that anymore. (Well, maybe sometimes!!) I love to cuddle on mommy and daddy's lap with my blankie, mommy says I am the most cuddly of all us kids!!
This is my daddy!!! It may have taken me awhile but he has become one of my favorite things in the whole wide world. Mommy says I was 20 months old before I even said "daddy." This really drove daddy nuts.....sometimes I wouldn't say it just to see how he would react....he tried so hard. My favorite things about daddy are his truck, his trailer, his truck, our wrestling matches, did I mention his truck....I really like his truck!! My daddy calls me "Thor." I guess it's because I am so big!!!
This right here is another of my favorites....my cup!! I don't go very far without it, and I lose them in the house or outside lots and lots.....mommy is always wandering around looking for my cup.....it's really funny when I hide it really good and she doesn't find it for a few days.....she makes a really funny face when she puts it in the sink to wash it!!! You know I think I heard her say something about taking it away soon.....I don't get it, why would she do that?
This is molly!! She doesn't really like me much.....I think it may have something to do with me chasing her around the house with my 4-wheeler, or maybe because I really enjoy hitting her, especially with my cup!! I have lots of fun with molly!!!
Well, I think I hear mommy coming, I better go. OH.....Don't tell her I was using the computer...she gets really upset when I touch the buttons!!! See ya!! Dawson
I'm not really sure how to do all this yet so hopefully it works out okay. Bye for now!!!