Well here I am starting my own blog.....I here everyone talking about it and how great it is. I just hope I get faster because I don't have that much time to spend on the computer.
Anyway, life in the Brust house is never boring. As you can see my three little rugrats are growing rapidly and keep me very busy....especially that one holding the hose!!!
We have had a very busy summer, filled with lots of camping and time at grandma and grandpas lake cabin. One weekend we took the kids to Yogi Bear Campground near Sioux Falls. They had a great time!! We went on a wagon ride with Yogi and we rented four wheel bikes that all five of us could fit on....the kids really had fun on that but it was way to much work
.....or I'm just out
of shape

I'm not really sure how to do all this yet so hopefully it works out okay. Bye for now!!!