Finally we come to Dawson, or as Joe likes to call him, Thor. Dawson will turn 2 on October 11th and he is all boy!!! He walks like a boy, talks like a boy and acts like a boy. He likes to wrestle with Joe and even his brother when he isn't ready for it. A few months ago, Mason was sitting on the living room floor watching TV and Dawson came walking in, he took one look at Mason, smiled, lowered his head and ran right into Mason, knocked him right over, and Dawson, being the little Devil he is, laughed histerically and ran out of the room.
Dawson is such a fun child, he gets into a silly mood and just acts like a goof. His laugh is so contagious and you can't even stay mad at him. However, he is also a little devil. He likes to get into things he knows he shouldn't, he takes things from Mason and Morgan and runs away laughing. Right now he is in a hitting an biting stage, not a lot of fun. He is very cuddly and will sit on my lap for long periods of time. He is very much mommy's boy, but is slowly beginning to like Daddy more, I guess thats the way it goes!!!