Monday, August 25, 2008

Out of the mouth of a child...

For those of you who don't know, my Morgan is a bit of a story teller. She always has something to tell people, it usually has to do with something completely off the wall. Her favorite seems to be telling Becky things like, 'Umm.....Becky....ummm.....I got new pants" or "Ummm Becky.....We got a new van" it is quite a joke in our family. However, she gets quite embarassed when you laugh about it in front of her. Her newest embarassing moment was at my mom's house. I had gone there to visit one night when Joe was golfing, and the kids needed a bath. Morgan, being a little fish, had to stay in for quite a while. Well what happens to our hands and feet when we are ing the water for long periods? They get wrinkley, right? Morgan comes up to me and says, "Mom, look at my hands, they look like grandma!!" I burst out laughing and told her to go tell grandma, she got embarassed and wouldn't even look at my mom.....oh, the things that kids say!!